:: Modem wavecom X tend

{ Posted on 23.09 by paksoleh }

Judul*:Modem wavecom X tend
Isi*:Merupakan GSM modem dengan RS232-Serial Port yang merupakan Port Standar untuk Industri. Supreme merupakan GSM modem yang memungkinkan pelanggan dengan mudah mengakses internet dan juga menjalankan aplikasi SMS gate way dan server untuk pulsa electrick


1. Self contained modems suporting EGSM/GPRS/EDGE 900/1800/850/1900 quad band, WCDMA 850/1900/2100 and CDMA 1XRTT
2. Supports voice / data / fax / SMS (text and PDU modes) / GPRS class 10
3. OpenAT capable for embedded applications
4. Optional TCP/IP stack permitting direct UDP/TCP connectivity and POP3/SMTP/FTP services
5 . 3V SIM Interface (not available for FXT004USB Interface
6 . 15-pin sub-D connector for voice and RS-232 serial interface
7. Fully type-approved
8. GPIOs connection and GPIO voltage reference
9. Industrial graded with otional battery and large set of M2M interfaces
(USB,RS232,adaptable GPIO,Audio)
10. Two general-purpose input/output pins built into Molex power connector
11. External DC Power Supply connection with voltage from +4.75V* to +32V
Powerful central processing unit with an ARM9 32 bit,26-104 MHz Core.

Budi haryanto
Email : buday_rancid@yahoo.com
YM : buday_rancid
Tlp : 085695133154
Fax : 021-5680186
Pengirim*:budi haryanto
No. HP*:085695133154
Banner:Modem X tend.jpg

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