:: Certified, Authorized And Sworn Translators

{ Posted on 07.06 by paksoleh }

Judul*:Certified, Authorized And Sworn Translators
Isi*:BNS Trans A Division of CV.BERKAH NURSENTOSA Translation Services ( Sworn/ Non Sworn) :Authorized Sworn legal translator in English-Japanese-Chinese-Arabic-Korean-Spanish-German-Dutch-France-Italy-Vietnamese-Thai-Khmer-Russian etc.
PROFESSIONAL translating and interpreting competence of wide range of both local and international documents, websites and conferences. SPECIALIZATION Legal, patents, agreement, company/government regulations, politics, e-commerce, marketing, economics, finance, hotel and travel, technical and non-technical manuals, abstract, education, social sciences, literature, medicine.
Experienced in translating Agreement Articles of Association Certificates. Legalization to Justice & Foreign Affairs Ministry. Registered at embassies of USA Australia China Singapore Saudi Arabia Dutch German France Switzerland UEA
Address: Jl. Al-Falah II, Kampung Dua Rt.012/ 002 N0.149,
Kelurahan Jakasampurna, Kecamatan Bekasi Barat
Kotamadya Bekasi 17145.
Phone. 021-32027663 - 91691426
Fax. 021-8885 4126
Mobile: 081218012929-081585083418
Email : bnstrans@yahoo.com
No. HP*:081218012929

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